23. joulukuuta 2014

Just a little holiday

Okey, almost a month with out writing a word on this blog. Whoopsie.

I actually have still nothing to write, but I feel like I just had to write something for those who might have found their way to this blog.

At this moment it's two o'clock in Finland and I have been awake about 14 hours. I have planned about four hours that I could go to sleep, but I still haven't done that so maybe when I have written and published this I will go to sleep.

I have my christmasbrake atm and in January I have my last on-the-job part of my study and after that I should get my degree. I hope that I get it but there is gladly some time to finish my school.

But I think that now is great time to go to sleep and I try to write something whit a point before new year.

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