15. syyskuuta 2014


So I have been living on my own about three months now and first week was nice because I had my own privacy but now when time has gone by it's not so fun anymore because you don't have any vacation and school has started so you have only limited time to spent freely it's starting to be little booring and I have noticed that I would like to move back home but I cant untill next summer.

Well I'm glad that I have finnish baseball because it has taken few nights per month away but now when the season is going to end I don't have nothing before next spring when the season starts again.

I have planned that I'm going to sing couple of courses when I turn 18. But I have to wait till january that thouse courses will start. I have planned that I go some weekends in the local youth cafe but I feel like I cant get my self going because I would like to have some friend that I don't have to sit there alone all the time but I feel like I'm not going to get any friend there so I just have to go there all by my self and try to get some time spent there before getting back to here my apartment to do something. Wich always turns out to staying on my laptop until midnight talking with friends and trying to do something.

Well I'm glad that I have aglitity practise with my dog once a week so I have something to do after school because I haven't had a power to start making some things for one hobby so we havn't had a chance to start practising but in this week I have planned to make some parts for that and maybe beginning to practise a little course if we could start by some unofficial contest in this or following years.

But now bye!

7. syyskuuta 2014

Hello Autumm

Nice summery days has visited here in Finland again and temperatures has rise near + 20 celcius. Some people have got their summer clothes back to use and I thought about doing it by my self but I didn't find a courage to do it so I have started to prepare for winter.

Nature is showing signs that autumm is coming by chancing colours from green to orange, red and yellow. I think that this is the most beautiful part of this time of the year because our nature is so colorfull before long dark and colourless part.

But maybe the first real sign about autumm is that the schools starts. Here where I live, vocational school is first to start before any other schools. It isn't nice to have to go to school like week before others but that means that our holidays begin few days earlier so it's little bit easier to go to school.

And we have to study like two and half month before we got our first holiday. I wait so much that holiday because my bday is on that week and finally it's my 18th bday. I don't have any party at that day and only activity that I have planned is going to playminded dog show with my dog.

But I can't say for sure that I don't do nothing else on that day because I haven't planned anything and I have no idea if someone else has something to planned that day.

But now I'm going to bed because I planned to go to Tampere thomorrow for my mini weekend.