20. syyskuuta 2015


This blog has been living in the shadows way too long... I don't know why this blog is not so popular to me but maybe the reason is that I really don't know what to write here.

Last post here was in April and now it's already September so it has been four months with out any text. I don't know that if I would like to write this blog more often if I got some comment here and other there or how I'm going to get this blog more active. Or then this just stays like this that I write here here and then some little random post like this and maybe some one sees these and maybe even reads because I know that I don't write the perfect English and I may mix up some words from british and american language but that it because english isn't my native language and I hear both languages.

But yeah If some one reads this blog I would like if you leave some comment on this post that what you would like to read from this blog and I could do your wishes.

Let's see if this is a new rise to this blog or will the next post came after my trip or some point between...

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