27. lokakuuta 2014


So in the last post I said that I would write a blogpost about travelling so here we go.

I havn't had a chance to travel a lot yet, but I hope that when I'm going to have a job I would be able to save money to travel a lot more.

I have travelled to Sweden twice. First time was when I was at sixth grade and we did our classtrip there. Next time was couple of years a go when I travelled there with my grandma and cousins. We stayed there few nights and we went to geocaching one night like five hour with my cousin.

In 2012 I travelled to Rome with my mom and my cousins for my present trip and my cousins 10th birthday present trip. Rome was so nice place and I'm sure that it stole a place from my heart and I'm waiting when I have a chance to go there again.

When we had a YUMMY projekt in our school I had a chance to travel to France. In France we first went to Paris and then to a small village called Murat. From Paris to Murat you had to take a train and that trip was six hour long. It was nice to see a place that you haven't never eaven heard or where you won't be travelling by your self.

Lates trip that I have done is to Estonia. Estonia wasn't really nice place but now I have seen it.

I have many places where I would like to go.

One place where I would like to travel is LA. I don't know what is the reason why I want to travel to LA but I have dreamed last few years to travelling there. Maybe in the same trip I could travel also to NYC because Nre York is other place in US that I would like to see.

Last and maybe the oddest place in US that I would like to go is Alaska. I don't know why but after I haw watched the serie Deadliest Catch, I have wanted to travel to Alaska and Dutch harbour to witness the fleet beginig their season. Only broblem to this is that fleet begins their season in the middle of october and it's really hard to travell to Dutch because flying weather isn't the best all of the times because Dutch is located in the middle of the sea and mountains. But maybe if I have a chance to make couple week to a month long trip to US I could go to LA, NYC and Alaska in the same time.

But if we came to this side of the world I would like to travel to Ireland and UK. In Ireland would be just nice to do a little road trip and just to see different parts of Ireland and to hear the locals. I like Irish accent and maybe northern accent is my favourite.

In the UK I would like to go to London and maybe some other places. Maybe a road trip in the UK it would be nice to do because then you wouldn't have to plan your going too much but you could go where you feel like to go and you can stay where you want as long as you want.

There are the places that I would like to go if someone says to me that you can choose a one place where we go. I could also go to some other countries of the world but I don't remember any other place now.


I don't know about you guys on the other side of the blog that how big or small dreamers you are. I have few things that I dream.

I dream about traveling around the world and I would like to go to LA, NYC and Alaska. I think that someday I have a chance to go to LA and NYC and maybe to Alaska if all goes well. I could write own post about traveling and  tell where I have been and were I would like to go.

I also dream about Jeffrey Cambell's Lita Shoes and much more. Some of my dreams feels so crazy that I don't eaven know that could I say that those are that kind of dreams that will come true or that kind of dreams that stays dreams from the moment that I start to dream it untill the day that I die.

But one dream that came true is this:


I have dreamed about one and half year about Ray-Ban sun glasses and when I had my birthday I decided to order these glasses and make my dreams true.

After I have made my mind about ordering these glasses next thing was to decide what model I wanted. After a long battle between aviator and clubmaster I decided to order Aviator's because I have one pilot model sunnies that I like and I thought that aviators would be better for me than clubmasters.

I would like to try clubmasters one day to see how well they would fit for me. But now I'm going to hope that there would be a lot of sunny days to use these glasses.

20. lokakuuta 2014


Yeah, I'm an audult now. I have waited so long my 18th birthday and just one week before it I started to get letters from banks ect where they said that now when I'm turning 18 I should to this and that.

How about if I'm not interested to do this and that and I just want to live my life, get my degree and do the same things that I have done when I was younger. Well I can't because I have to arrange so many things that I have no interested to arrange but I can't ask my mom or dad to do it anymore because they have no authority my things anymore. So if someone who might see this text and it's from Finland and waits for 18th bday and audulthood I can say that it's not nice.

But I think that I have to do all of these stuffs because they are related to my new age. And maybe I will find some good sides of being audult when the time goes on and normal days begin after a short break from school.

But now I'm going to quit wining about my life and going to watch one episode of Merlin and then thinkin what I should do next.

7. lokakuuta 2014


For a week I have wondered how addicting tv series could be. I know that they are very addictin if the serie is good and you have something that brings you back the series time after time.

My newest addiction has been Merlin. Okey, I know that the serie is old and long gone but I have found it reasently. First I just watched some videos in youtube and after a few days I started to look different episodes untill last friday when I decided to watch the whole serie.

Well maybe the project should have started from season one continuing all the way to the season five and not few episodes from here and few there untill you see the THIRD season from episode one to episode twelve... Yep I'm so idiot. Well that means that I don't have to spend that time what I spent watchin season three in friday later, but I can say that it's not wise to watch about 8 episodes of some serie go to see two and half hour long movie and then came back home and continue your serie marathon.

Well I can't say that I enjoed the movie because it was bad. But still I think that it's not a wise thing to do.

Now I have continued my marathon from season one and I have covered one episode big hole and started to go season through episode by episode and I can say that after today I'm on finish line. I know when I start watching the season I could go throug the rest of season and maybe untill half of next season what means that clock is like one or three in the morning when I should be sleeping so it's not eaven close a wise thing to do so I have try to train my self that I could watch only one episode or maximum of two episodes per night depending what time I'm going to start watching the first episode.

Today I allowed my self to look two episodes because I started to early. Okey really I tried just to watch the first episode but I got stuck whit it and I watched the second episode. I know I'm lazy and weak person but I try to educate my self for trying just to watch one episode per night.

Well maybe I learn to watch only one episode per night or my addiction to merlin can't be held and I go one night throug the series and watch like 15 episodes in a row. What could be a great idea to do in the weekend because then I would have less episodes to look and I could maybe get my self off from the serie someday. Or then it's just a whisful dreaming. Only time will tell...

5. lokakuuta 2014


I don't think how good is write about future now when new year is coming and I still have few months school to go before I get my degree as Tourism activities organizer.

I don't really know if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life because most of the school has been really hard and I have many times tought about quitting school but I have always thought that I have to go this school to end that I could say that I have some degree. I also have thought that when I get my degree from Sedu I could try to send applications to journalist or photographer schools and get another degree from that school so I could eaven do some freelace writing if it would be possible or try to get some job as a traveljournalist when I have some experience from travel business and writing.

But maybe only time will tell what I'm going to do when I grow up and get some job that I might like or might hate. Or maybe I will be crazy enough to start my own business or then I just go and start a daycare with my mom : D