27. lokakuuta 2014


So in the last post I said that I would write a blogpost about travelling so here we go.

I havn't had a chance to travel a lot yet, but I hope that when I'm going to have a job I would be able to save money to travel a lot more.

I have travelled to Sweden twice. First time was when I was at sixth grade and we did our classtrip there. Next time was couple of years a go when I travelled there with my grandma and cousins. We stayed there few nights and we went to geocaching one night like five hour with my cousin.

In 2012 I travelled to Rome with my mom and my cousins for my present trip and my cousins 10th birthday present trip. Rome was so nice place and I'm sure that it stole a place from my heart and I'm waiting when I have a chance to go there again.

When we had a YUMMY projekt in our school I had a chance to travel to France. In France we first went to Paris and then to a small village called Murat. From Paris to Murat you had to take a train and that trip was six hour long. It was nice to see a place that you haven't never eaven heard or where you won't be travelling by your self.

Lates trip that I have done is to Estonia. Estonia wasn't really nice place but now I have seen it.

I have many places where I would like to go.

One place where I would like to travel is LA. I don't know what is the reason why I want to travel to LA but I have dreamed last few years to travelling there. Maybe in the same trip I could travel also to NYC because Nre York is other place in US that I would like to see.

Last and maybe the oddest place in US that I would like to go is Alaska. I don't know why but after I haw watched the serie Deadliest Catch, I have wanted to travel to Alaska and Dutch harbour to witness the fleet beginig their season. Only broblem to this is that fleet begins their season in the middle of october and it's really hard to travell to Dutch because flying weather isn't the best all of the times because Dutch is located in the middle of the sea and mountains. But maybe if I have a chance to make couple week to a month long trip to US I could go to LA, NYC and Alaska in the same time.

But if we came to this side of the world I would like to travel to Ireland and UK. In Ireland would be just nice to do a little road trip and just to see different parts of Ireland and to hear the locals. I like Irish accent and maybe northern accent is my favourite.

In the UK I would like to go to London and maybe some other places. Maybe a road trip in the UK it would be nice to do because then you wouldn't have to plan your going too much but you could go where you feel like to go and you can stay where you want as long as you want.

There are the places that I would like to go if someone says to me that you can choose a one place where we go. I could also go to some other countries of the world but I don't remember any other place now.

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