7. lokakuuta 2014


For a week I have wondered how addicting tv series could be. I know that they are very addictin if the serie is good and you have something that brings you back the series time after time.

My newest addiction has been Merlin. Okey, I know that the serie is old and long gone but I have found it reasently. First I just watched some videos in youtube and after a few days I started to look different episodes untill last friday when I decided to watch the whole serie.

Well maybe the project should have started from season one continuing all the way to the season five and not few episodes from here and few there untill you see the THIRD season from episode one to episode twelve... Yep I'm so idiot. Well that means that I don't have to spend that time what I spent watchin season three in friday later, but I can say that it's not wise to watch about 8 episodes of some serie go to see two and half hour long movie and then came back home and continue your serie marathon.

Well I can't say that I enjoed the movie because it was bad. But still I think that it's not a wise thing to do.

Now I have continued my marathon from season one and I have covered one episode big hole and started to go season through episode by episode and I can say that after today I'm on finish line. I know when I start watching the season I could go throug the rest of season and maybe untill half of next season what means that clock is like one or three in the morning when I should be sleeping so it's not eaven close a wise thing to do so I have try to train my self that I could watch only one episode or maximum of two episodes per night depending what time I'm going to start watching the first episode.

Today I allowed my self to look two episodes because I started to early. Okey really I tried just to watch the first episode but I got stuck whit it and I watched the second episode. I know I'm lazy and weak person but I try to educate my self for trying just to watch one episode per night.

Well maybe I learn to watch only one episode per night or my addiction to merlin can't be held and I go one night throug the series and watch like 15 episodes in a row. What could be a great idea to do in the weekend because then I would have less episodes to look and I could maybe get my self off from the serie someday. Or then it's just a whisful dreaming. Only time will tell...

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