20. lokakuuta 2014


Yeah, I'm an audult now. I have waited so long my 18th birthday and just one week before it I started to get letters from banks ect where they said that now when I'm turning 18 I should to this and that.

How about if I'm not interested to do this and that and I just want to live my life, get my degree and do the same things that I have done when I was younger. Well I can't because I have to arrange so many things that I have no interested to arrange but I can't ask my mom or dad to do it anymore because they have no authority my things anymore. So if someone who might see this text and it's from Finland and waits for 18th bday and audulthood I can say that it's not nice.

But I think that I have to do all of these stuffs because they are related to my new age. And maybe I will find some good sides of being audult when the time goes on and normal days begin after a short break from school.

But now I'm going to quit wining about my life and going to watch one episode of Merlin and then thinkin what I should do next.

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