20. syyskuuta 2015


This blog has been living in the shadows way too long... I don't know why this blog is not so popular to me but maybe the reason is that I really don't know what to write here.

Last post here was in April and now it's already September so it has been four months with out any text. I don't know that if I would like to write this blog more often if I got some comment here and other there or how I'm going to get this blog more active. Or then this just stays like this that I write here here and then some little random post like this and maybe some one sees these and maybe even reads because I know that I don't write the perfect English and I may mix up some words from british and american language but that it because english isn't my native language and I hear both languages.

But yeah If some one reads this blog I would like if you leave some comment on this post that what you would like to read from this blog and I could do your wishes.

Let's see if this is a new rise to this blog or will the next post came after my trip or some point between...

12. huhtikuuta 2015

Way too long break

I'm so sorry guys that I haven't been blogging since february. It has been almost two months since my last post...

There hasn't been happening too much during that time. I had my on-the-job period from January until beginning on April. I did it on a local kindergarden and I liked it very much and I feel like I have wasted three years of my life by studying tourism, but maybe people have to make mistakes to know what they want from their lives.

I'm going to give a go for working on a tourism industry, but if it starts seem that I can't find a job that I really like or it doesn't feel right then I'm going to study nursing and go to work with children.

Time only tells what I'm going to do during coming years, but now it seems like I'm going on the wrong way....

18. helmikuuta 2015

House sitting

So it has again been too long since I have last written any words on this blog. I haven't got anything to write on during last week.

I'm going on a blogging course in March and I'm not sure if I'm going to take one time to do something about this blog. I might just mention this blog and keep it like it is now. Or would you possible readers like if I would improve this blog?

One thing that I could do for this blog is add pictures. I feel like every blog needs some pictures and I feel like so bad because I haven't got almost any pictures in this blog.

It would also be nice to hear if you have some subjects that you would like me to write about. It could be just like "Living in Finland" or something about daily life here in Finland or it could be something like "what's on my bag" or favourites of month. I'm open to all suggestions because I would like to make this blog better.

Okey, I think that now it's time to get back on track again. So like the title says I have been house sitting last two days. My mom went on little Holiday so I have been staying on her house and spending my time here. I have been living almost my entire life in town house and last sixmonths I have been living in apartment house.

I have enjoyed living on my own peace but now when I have been here these days I can say that I like more being in town house than apartment house because here it's easier like going in the shower when you don't have to be afraid that your neighbour would wake up or you can listen to music long in the night.

But I think that living in different forms will give a good look and point of view and different opinons to life.

But now I'm going to bed because I have a long day ahead tomorrow.

7. helmikuuta 2015


I have been spending way too much time listening music lately. I have some seasons that I spend many hours in youtube just listening different songs and versions of different songs. Some songs I'm taking on my spotify list and some songs just stays in youtube.

Last gig that I have been was Haloo Helsinki's gig way too long ago. I have been looking one places Only bartist list but there isn't any good artist coming so it seems that next gig that I will see is Passenger's gig in Provinssirock in summer. I hope that I have a chance to enjoy live music before it but only time will tell what is going to happen.

But yeah, I really like music and I can't say any spesific artist that I like because I have no special favorite but I have few artist that I like and what I would like to see live.

15. tammikuuta 2015


I haven't wrote eaven a word for a week on this blog. I'm not sure why I haven't wrote anything. Maybe it just because I haven't taken this blog seriously.

I know that some people reads this blog and I would like to know if you would like to read this blog more and should I try to write this blog more active. Now this is just a hobby for me and a way to improve my english texts and I feel like I'm waisting this blog goodly.

But yeah, let me know what you think.

Life has gone on it's own weight here and nothing suprising isn't happened. I have started my last on the job training period and after that I have a little holiday and I will get my degree in April. Then it's time to search a job for summer or for the coming years. Time doesn't tell that yet.

8. tammikuuta 2015


New year has officially started and almost two weeks has gone. I hope that you had nice new year and that this year has started well.

I had quite ok new year and this year has started good. Today I have something exiting coming and I will tell more about it later. Today I should go to speak about my job training period.

But I actually don't have anything to write about, so I just leave this here and I will get back to you as soon as I have something to write.

23. joulukuuta 2014

Just a little holiday

Okey, almost a month with out writing a word on this blog. Whoopsie.

I actually have still nothing to write, but I feel like I just had to write something for those who might have found their way to this blog.

At this moment it's two o'clock in Finland and I have been awake about 14 hours. I have planned about four hours that I could go to sleep, but I still haven't done that so maybe when I have written and published this I will go to sleep.

I have my christmasbrake atm and in January I have my last on-the-job part of my study and after that I should get my degree. I hope that I get it but there is gladly some time to finish my school.

But I think that now is great time to go to sleep and I try to write something whit a point before new year.